Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2
Splinter Cell: Double Agent Mission 2 - Kansas (Part 2)
NextGenWalkthroughs.com presents: Video walkthrough for Splinter Cell: Double Agent Mission 2 - Kansas Ellsworth Penitentiary (Part 2 of 2) on hard, getting a stealth score of 100%.
Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 , guys im not talking to beer baron damn youtube fucked up comments so yeah all im saying is that sneaking can get boring and its fun to shoot reply to some guy who said splinter cell is stealth only and if you kill people you are automaticly spotted and will fail this is not the case its fun to pull of a headshot or stab somnebody in the back and throw there body off a high ledge.
you have guns for a reason in this game you dumb five year old its fun to sneak around people and laugh at how stupid they are but sneaking does get boring and you do find it amusing to pick people off with your SC 20K or shoot a gas grenade in to the crowd and watch them go WTF or plain out go ninja on there ass. Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2.
no dude, Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 , i like the way i play, sneak up to them, and give them the headshot, you can hide their body, no one finds out.
no splinter cell isent for to use bullets its pure stealth and if people like action whith a little bit of stealth then this isent Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 a game for them
splinter cell is pure stealth Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 and if you think sneaking is getting boring after a while then this is realy no game for you.
if people wanna use bullets they can. why are they noobs just coz you think they should sneak all the time. Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 , sneaking gets boaring! so stfu!
Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 , i think its a good choice, but for some reason, i feel Chaos Theory more realistic in some ways like lighting, or shit like that, but this one´s newer and better features, idk, your choice, i totally would pay for this title.
4:54 AM | Labels: splinter cell, splinter cell conviction, Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission, Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas, Splinter Cell Double Agent Mission 2 Kansas Part 2 |
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